Frequently Asked Questions


1. What is an ALSP or an alternative legal service provider?
2. What is agile project management?
3. What is legal project management?
4. I am an individual with need of assistance, can Agile Legal help me? / What clients does Agile Legal work with?
6. How do I do business with Agile Legal?
7. What is the difference between Agile Legal and Virtual Paralegal Services?

Contract Management

1. Can Agile Legal help us with our contract reviews?
2. Can Agile provide managed services for our contract lifecycle?
3. Can Agile Legal help me find the right CLM software?
4. Can Agile create a playbook for our legal or procurement departments?
5. Can Agile answer questions about our contracts when an issue arises?
6. Can Agile provide contract reviews within a reasonable time frame?

Corporate Services

1. Can Agile Legal help us with our contract reviews?
2. Can Agile provide managed services for our contract lifecycle?
3. Can Agile Legal help me find the right CLM software?
4. Can Agile create a playbook for our legal or procurement departments?
5. Can Agile answer questions about our contracts when an issue arises?
6. Can Agile provide contract reviews within a reasonable time frame?

Corporate Transparency Act

1. What is the Corporate Transparency Act?
10. Does the Corporate Transparency Act apply to United States territories?
11. Who can get access to BO information submitted to FinCEN in a BOIR?
12. Can Agile Legal help me prepare my BOIR?
3. What are the reporting requirements?
4. Am I exempt from the CTA?
5. What is a Beneficial Owner?
6. Who qualifies as a person with substantial control?
7. What information do I need to submit to FinCEN to be in compliance?
8. How long do I have to submit my Beneficial Owner Information Report?
9. My Beneficial Owner had a change of name/address. What do I do?
What is a Reporting Company?

International Services

1. What international services do you provide?
2. What don’t you provide?
3. What are the benefits of using Agile Legal as my provider for international services?

Global Subsidiary Management

1. What’s the difference between registering a branch and forming a subsidiary?
2. Is it a bad idea to form a company in a country with civil law?

Process Agent Services

1. What’s the difference between a process agent and a registered agent?
2. Do I need a process agent and a registered agent?
3. When do I need a process agent?

KYC/AML Services

1. What’s the difference between a process agent and a registered agent?
2. Do I need a process agent and a registered agent?
3. When do I need a process agent?

Fund Services

1. What are Blue Sky Laws?
2. Does it matter when I file my State Notice Filings?
3. When should I amend my State Notice Filings?
4. Do I need a broker-dealer for my Reg A?