How to Successfully Manage Legal Projects as Your Small Business Grows

Juggling regular operations and legal project management for small businesses can be a challenge. Read our tips for staying on top of it all.

Introduction to Regulation A Offerings

Regulation A, often referred to as “Reg A,” provides an exemption from the registration requirements pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933 for issuers seeking to sell securities to the public. Opting for a Reg A offering allows an issuer to raise funds from the public without incurring the heightened expense and liability associated with the registration process of a full-blown public offering. In 2015, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) introduced final rules to establish two tiers under Reg A—Tier 1 and Tier 2. While both tiers share some similarities, variations exist in their reporting obligations and offering limits.

Reg A Tier Comparison: Tier 1 vs Tier 2

Both Tier 1 and Tier 2 offerings require the submission of an offering statement, consisting of Form 1-A and supplemental information, to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Following the submission, Tier 1 and Tier 2 issuers must await qualification by the SEC before commencing sales in the offering.

Under Tier 1, issuers can raise a maximum of $20 million in a twelve-month period without the requirement for ongoing reporting from non-accredited and accredited investors. Issuers do not have ongoing reporting requirements but must submit a report on the final status of the offering to the SEC. Testing the waters is permissible either before or after filing the offering statement subject to state securities laws. One advantage of a Tier 1 offering over a Tier 2 offering is that Tier 1 financials do not need to be audited.

Securities sold under a Tier 1 offering are not considered Covered Securities, which means that issuers must still comply with each state securities commission by registering or qualifying the offering prior to selling. This process requires coordinated review and approval from each state.

Under Tier 2, issuers can raise a maximum of $75 million within a twelve-month period from non-accredited and accredited investors, but they are obligated to meet periodic reporting requirements. These include submitting annual reports, semi-annual reports, amendments to address changes in circumstances, and a report on the final status of the offering. Testing the waters is permissible either before or after filing the offering statement subject to state securities laws.

Securities sold under a Tier 2 offering are considered Covered Securities. As such, Tier 2 offerings are preempted from state review and qualification.

Despite the increased reporting requirements associated with a Tier 2 offering compared to a Tier 1 offering, Tier 2 accounted for 70% of Regulation A offerings from 2015 to 2019.

Regulation A, Tier 2 Issuer Eligibility

Any company formed in the United States or Canada is eligible to seek exemption under Regulation A, Tier 2, with the additional requirement that its principal place of business must be in the US or Canada.

Additional scenarios that would disqualify an issuer include:

  • Investment companies required to register under the Investment Company Act of 1940, or a business development company defined in Section 2(a)(48).
  • A blank check company
  • An issuer disqualified under SEC “bad actor” qualification rules

Limitations exist on what kinds of securities can be offered under Reg A. For example, an issuer cannot issue fractional undivided interests in oil or gas rights, or similar interest in other mineral rights. They also cannot issue asset-backed securities as defined in Item 1101(c) of Regulation AB.

Regulation A, Tier 2 Federal Compliance Requirements

Form 1-A

Issuers undertaking a Regulation A offering are obligated to submit Form 1-A to the SEC, consisting of three parts: Part I (Notification), Part II (Information Required in an Offering Circular), and Part III (Exhibits).

Part I consists of general information about the issuer, the issuer’s eligibility, and general information about the offering, such as the type of securities being offered and the anticipated fees associated with the offering.

Part II outlines the information required in the offering circular. The offering circular is where the issuer furnishes comprehensive information about their offering for potential investors, including general information about the issuer and the offering, as well as risk factors for the investment, dilution, plan of distribution, financial information, management, and more. The structure of the offering circular is regulated to promote consistency and honesty. Once approved by the SEC, the offering circular must be provided to all potential investors participating in the Regulation A, Tier 2 offering.

Part III contains exhibits to provide further context or evidence to support the information shared in prior parts of Form 1-A. For example, an issuer should attach any voting agreements that impact the rights of the securities holders as an exhibit.

Form 1-A must be completed at least 21 days prior to the SEC’s qualification of the offering statement.

For further information, see the SEC’s guidance  for completing Form 1-A.

A 'No Objection Letter'

The sale of Reg A securities cannot commence until the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) provides the issuer with a ‘No Objection Letter’. The ‘No Objection Letter’ indicates that FINRA has completed its review of the offering.

FINRA’s review consists of two rounds which take approximately 10 to 25 business days in total. After the review, FINRA will return one of three letters: a ‘No Objection Letter’, a ‘Defer Letter’, or an ‘Unreasonable Letter’. A ‘No Objection Letter’ signifies that the offering review is complete, and the issuer can proceed based off the information submitted. ‘A Defer Letter’ is granted if FINRA has concerns or questions and needs further documentation. An ‘Unreasonable Letter’ is given if FINRA deems that the terms of the offering do not comply with corporate financing rules.


Once initial requirements are fulfilled, the SEC will provide a notice of qualification and the issuer will choose their qualification date. Issuers must wait until the SEC’s approved qualification date to begin official sales of the offering. The qualification date is reported in state securities filings.

Testing the Waters

Although the sale of Reg A securities cannot commence until FINRA provides the issuer with a ‘No Objection Letter’ and the SEC qualifies the offering, there is a process known as “Testing the Waters” in which the issuer can lawfully gauge investor interest prior to qualification. By testing the waters, issuers are permitted to solicit interest in a potential offering from the general public, even before the filing of the offering statement.

Ongoing Compliance

Adherence to federal securities laws extends beyond the initial requirements. Issuers must satisfy ongoing reporting requirements. The following reports are the most common forms of maintaining ongoing compliance. This list is not all-inclusive and issuers should do thorough investigation into additional reporting requirements for their specific circumstances.

1-K Annual Report

Issuers of Reg A, Tier 2 offerings are required to submit electronic annual reports through EDGAR within 120 days of the issuer’s fiscal year end. Through the 1-K, the issuer discloses business operations from the past 3 years (or, if established less for than 3 years, since inception) and provides updates to information submitted in Part I of Form 1-A.

1-SA Semiannual Report

Tier 2 issuers must electronically file Form 1-SA within 90 calendar days of the end of the first 6 months of the issuer’s fiscal year. In this report, the issuer discloses interim financial statements.

1-U Current Report

Reg A, Tier 2 issuers must submit 1-U reports within four business days of significant events.

Significant events include:

  • Fundamental changes
  • Bankruptcy or receivership
  • Material modification to the rights of securityholders
  • Changes in the issuer’s certifying accountant
  • Non-reliance on previous financial statements or a related audited report or completed interim review
  • Departure of the principal executive officer, principal financial officer, or principal accounting officer
  • Unregistered sales of 10% or more of outstanding equity securities

1-Z Exit Report

The 1-Z is an exit report that is mandatory for all issuers involved in Tier 1 offerings, and it must be submitted within 30 calendar days following the conclusion of their Regulation A offering. Tier 2 issuers are only required to disclose termination of the offering if it was not disclosed previously in a 1-K annual report.

Regulation A, Tier 2 State Compliance Requirements

Introduction to Blue Sky Compliance

Blue sky laws are state regulations designed to prevent securities fraud. The term originates from the depiction of the unregulated securities industry as speculative, where offerings were deemed to have “no more basis than so many feet of blue sky.” Blue sky laws vary based on the state where the offering is sold.

Under Regulation A, Tier 1, the securities sold are not deemed Covered Securities. As such, issuers must still comply with each state securities regulations by either registering or qualifying the offering prior to selling. This process requires coordinated review and approval from each state.

Under Regulation A, Tier 2, the securities sold are deemed Covered Securities. As such, states are preempted from requiring registration or qualification of offerings. However, states can, and often do, mandate notice filings.

In-Depth Blue Sky Compliance Resource

Understand more about state Blue Sky compliance for Reg A, Tier 2 offerings by downloading our resource, The Path to Blue Sky Compliance.

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In-Depth Blue Sky Compliance Resource

Understand more about state Blue Sky compliance for Reg A, Tier 2 offerings by downloading our resource, The Path to Blue Sky Compliance.

Reg A, Tier 2 Notice Filings

Submission of notice filings is the most common state compliance requirement for Reg A, Tier 2 offerings. A majority of states require notice filings, with only 12 states not mandating notice. Although the filing itself is similar between the states, variations exist in the timing, filing fee amount, issuer-dealer requirements, and method of filing from state to state.

For example, state filing fees could be a flat fee or variable based on the offering’s sales. The map below demonstrates the wide range in fees between the states, from $0 to $1,000+.

*Exclusive of late fees

Ongoing Compliance

Adherence to state blue sky laws extends beyond the submission of initial notice filings. States often mandate annual renewal filings. In most states, the renewal is due one year from the date of the initial notice delivery to that state. However, Illinois requires a renewal filing one year from the qualification date. These nuances, while seemingly small, can affect whether an issuer complies with state securities laws.

In addition to meeting annual Reg A, Tier  2 renewal obligations, issuers must monitor their sales in each state to prevent “over selling.” This is crucial in states with variable fees, as these fees are contingent on the sales figures declared in the initial filing. If an issuer surpasses the sales initially reported in a specific state, they are required to amend their filing to reflect the updated projected sales amount.

Take for example Texas, where the filing fee for a state notice is 1/10 of 1% of an offering. When submitting an initial notice filing, an issuer could denote that they anticipate selling up to $75,000,000 in Texas, but that would land them with a $75,000 filing fee. This leads many issuers to try to provide a closer estimate of the amount they anticipate selling in Texas. If the issuer instead denotes that they anticipate selling $2,000,000 in Texas, they will have a $2,000 filing fee. However, if the offering goes well and it looks like there are investments totaling $3,000,000 in Texas, the issuer must amend their initial filing and pay an additional fee to avoid an over sale.

While there is a lot of guidance available through the SEC, the nuances of compliance with federal and state securities laws are difficult for any issuer to navigate. Looking for assistance with launching and managing the compliance of your Regulation A, Tier 2 offering? Don’t hesitate to reach out to our team for assistance.

So, your business is experiencing steady growth – that’s great! But are you growing sustainably?

While growth is a positive indicator for any business, your business may also face “growing pains” when growth outpaces the business’ ability to adapt. Where these growing pains relate to your business’ legal matters, it is hard to address these issues when your growth is piling up other priorities on your plate.

How do you address these legal concerns efficiently without encroaching on the success of your other business objectives?

Agile Legal has collated the following tips so that you can find efficient solutions for your small business’ legal needs as you grow.

1. Organize Legal Expenses Using Budget Codes

It’s important for your business to understand its financial needs and know what is being spent across different areas of the business. Budget codes are useful tools housed in accounting software that can track this information.

If you anticipate being billed for legal costs across multiple sources, setting up budget codes will allow you to easily monitor how your budget is being spent and if any funds should be reallocated to other legal expenses. The process of reviewing your business’ operations, the legal projects that may arise, and the expenses that may be incurred is an incredibly valuable exercise that will help you plan future changes to business operations and forecast expenditure.

2. Allocate Funds to a Budget in Advance

It’s painful to decide not to utilize a service provider because you aren’t sure whether it’s within your budget or not.  Plan your expenditure ahead of the year and consider what legal services your business might need due to the nature of its operations. Once you have forecasted those potential needs, you can estimate the costs and weigh those options in relation to the budget you have available. In this process you can also consider the estimated return on your expenditure and the benefits your company can gain from that financial investment.

3. Find a Good Attorney

Navigating regulatory frameworks and legal matters on your own can be difficult – and sometimes virtually impossible. As a small business owner, you may find yourself facing a legal matter and think, “Well, now what?” Lean on the expertise of professionals and seek out a reputable attorney that you can trust. Word of mouth referrals are useful, but your state bar association is a good place to start too. However, make sure to research and analyze your legal needs thoroughly as the best solution for your company could be drawing on other types of legal solutions. Attorneys are invaluable if you need legal advice, but some legal needs benefit from a different approach, some of which we will address in the following tips.

Calling for Flexible Legal Project Management Support

4. Obtain Flexible Legal Support

Apart from traditional law firms and attorneys, there are other, more flexible ways to obtain legal support. Each option works well in different contexts, and some may solve the same problems as others but in different ways. Research each type of support and evaluate which works best for your needs.

Part-Time Legal Hire(s)

A part-time legal hire can provide your business with extra capacity without incurring the expense of a full-time employee. A part-time legal professional can be an effective option for businesses that heavily rely on legal support for their regular business operations. You should also consider whether your business needs demand an in-house or remote hire. Thankfully, there are many types of part-time legal professionals, such as legal assistants, legal project managers, paralegals, or even fractional attorneys.  However, part-time assistance may be harder to come by as fewer legal professionals pursue part-time work.

Freelance Paralegal

Freelance paralegals are a more flexible solution in comparison to a part-time employee. Part-time hires require a regular workflow while freelance paralegals allow you to hire someone for the duration of a project, or as little as needed. Hiring a freelance paralegal removes you from the commitment of part-time hires, keeping your staff numbers and labor expenses lean. However, this convenience does come at the expense of time spent searching for talent, training new hires, writing employment contracts, and managing capacity.

Alternative Legal Service Provider (ALSP)

For small businesses that need assistance with legal project management, Alternative Legal Service Providers (ALSPs) may be a cost-effective and flexible solution (and our favorite option, of course!).

Many ALSPs, though not all, are technology oriented. In contrast to traditional law firms, these companies offer alternative delivery and pricing models that can be more attractive than hourly rates. The vast majority of ALSPs (aside from some in Arizona and Utah) do not provide legal advice but offer specialized expertise that in-house legal teams may not have readily available. This expertise allows you to consolidate legal support without managing relations with multiple vendors or firms simultaneously.

5. Utilize Appropriate Technology Solutions

Some small business’ legal projects (and sometimes general operations too) can gain significant benefits from using technology in some way, maybe to improve your efficiency, accuracy, or capability. We’re not talking about engaging a technology ALSP that utilizes technology to provide a service, but rather internally leveraging technology solutions directly. Companies offering these technology solutions operate from a model called Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Once obtained, your business will be responsible for implementing the technology successfully, with whatever onboarding and assistance the software company provides.

Because technologies serve such a wide range of purposes, you’ll want to complete an audit of your company’s needs. Pay attention to inefficiencies that may be slowing down your progress. Platforms such as Capterra and G2 provide customer reviews of various software options that you can browse to inform your choice. G2 specifically denotes whether reviews are from verified purchasers and active users, increasing transparency and helping you consider reviews of most use to you.

Project Management Software

When managing legal projects internally, investing in project management software can greatly improve in-house efficiency and accountability. Providers such as Asana and Clickup offer free plans that provide a good starting point for small businesses. These free plans are also scalable as you can upgrade your subscription once your business needs grow. You can check out articles that compare free project management tools, such as this one from Zapier.

There are project management software options tailored specifically to legal projects, but they often don’t translate well outside of law firm operational contexts. This is why, at Agile Legal, we developed our own proprietary legal project management software so we could manage our own projects effectively.

Electronic Signature Platforms

Electronic signature platforms like DocuSign, Adobe Acrobat Sign, and DropBox Sign (formerly HelloSign) enable you to digitally sign your documents without needing to be in person. With an electronic signature platform, you can say goodbye to constantly scanning and faxing copies to signatories, and instead, documents can be stored electronically in a single place. Electronic signature platforms also provide you with an audit trail that certifies who has signed the documents.

Contract Management Software

Contract management software can be a game-changer for businesses needing to draft, negotiate, sign, and manage contracts. This type of software enables businesses to scale contract management workflows without increasing headcount or labor costs. While these tools can help businesses keep track of their contracts, using this software still requires time from someone, such as a contracts paralegal, who has a sufficient understanding of contracts law and the software itself.

Cloud-based Document Storage

Imagine you’re just hours away from completing the acquisition of your company by the leading company in your market and you discover you can’t find a crucial document. Cue mild panic.

As your business grows, ensure that employees can access their work anytime, anywhere. Implementing cloud-based document storage tools is relatively inexpensive and allows for greater collaboration between your company’s internal staff and external parties. These storage technologies also provide employees greater with their work environments, access across numerous devices, and the ability to organize documents efficiently. With the help of providers like Google, Microsoft SharePoint, or DropBox, you can avoid accessibility headaches.

Find Relief with Legal Project Management Providers

The pursuit of growth is not for the faint of heart. It’s natural for businesses to outgrow systems and processes and seek new ways to deliver effective operations. Luckily, there is no shortage of options to help you manage the difficulties that come with growth and subsequent change.

If your business is growing and you are interested in getting help with your legal projects, Agile Legal provides legal project management services across a variety of practice areas. From contract management and corporate governance to supporting mergers and acquisitions, we’re here to help you navigate your business’ ever-changing legal needs.

Order a legal service today and get help managing your growing legal responsibilities.

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